Flexible reservation time
Tam Nguyenova
Both users and us should be able to reserve a reservation slot that starts any time.
Now because we have slots of 90 minutes per reservation and we start at 4pm, users can only reserve a spot for 4pm or 5:30 but not for 4:30 or 5pm. It would be nice if we could choose any time as a starting time with an interval of 15 mins and from that moment the 90 minutes would be counted
Flip van den Bosch
We don't use Slots anymore in the new reservation module. Guests can pick any time (grouped per 15 minutes) they like. Even if your slot is 90 minutes.
Tam Nguyenova
Also it would be nice if we could change that 90 minutes period on request (e.g. if somebody wants to come for 2 hours or just 1).